Broomhill Infant School

We are Geographers!

September 18, 2022

This week Sycamore Class have been busy becoming Geographers.
The children used the classroom maps they created last week to make 3D models of the classroom using lego. Some of these were really detailed, even including the class plants and finding the right shape pieces to represent the different furniture.

Then they recapped their knowledge of the United Kingdom by learning a song and looking at Google Earth to see the different countries which make up the UK.


Later they used Google Earth on the ipads and laptops to do a virtual journey to school. The children had to try to find their street and note down the different things they pass on the way to school. We made a list as a class and next week we will decide which are human features and which are physical features of our local area.

Also this week the children have been Scientists, exploring different materials and coming up with words to describe them, for example: ‘The brick is rough and bumpy’. ‘The glass is transparent and smooth’.
Next week we will build on this by beginning to think about why different materials are best suited to different objects.

The children have worked really hard to complete their challenge activities in the classroom provision, including the missing numbers maths challenge which they extended by thinking about how many tens and ones the different numbers had.

They also enjoyed using the nature area outside to create some small sculptures from natural materials in the style of the artist Andy Goldsworthy.

Have a look at the video below to see some of their brilliant learning from the past week.