Broomhill Infant School

Reception – Cherry

Cherry Class – Term 6

July 19, 2024

Cherry Class started the term celebrating World Ocean Day and bringing our work on Who Swallowed Stanley to an end. The children made some lovely jellyfish, octopuses, Ocean posters and number bond sea creatures in class. They discussed the importance of keeping our oceans clean and we all made a personal pledge for what we […]

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Term 5 in Cherry Class

May 24, 2024

We started term 5 by looking at a new non-fiction book called From Tadpole to Frog. The children learned all about the lifecycle of a frog and wrote facts about tree frogs, goliath frogs and poison dart frogs in their writing books. The children have loved learning about life cycles and we were lucky enough […]

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Term 4 in Cherry Class

March 28, 2024

As we come to the end of Term 4, it’s so lovely to be able to look back on how much we have done in six weeks! We have celebrated Shrove Tuesday, explored what healthy choices look like, discovered our class book Rosie’s Walk, celebrated World Book Day, celebrated Mother’s Day, took part in science […]

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