Broomhill Infant School

Broomhill Infant
and Nursery School

Nursery - Seedlings

Seedlings Class





Welcome to Seedlings Class. Your grown- ups will be Miss Debi who loves to explore outside asking and answering lots of questions about the world and can usually be found exploring in the forest area or using all her senses to play in the many different areas in the garden.

Miss Lacey loves to tell stories and can always be found retelling them with great expression and enthusiasm. She is also the kindest and most happiest grown up. She is always ready for an adventure no matter what it is.

Miss Nadine loves playing with the children especially in the garden. She can often be found making assault courses with the children or helping them to make up fun and exciting games.

Miss Keira is very creative. She loves making playdough and is always thinking up lovely ideas of things for the children to do. The children have the best time using all their senses with her to explore their world.

Our Nursery is an exciting place to learn. The children are skilfully enabled to become independent and resilient learners in an environment where they are encouraged to lead and develop their own learning. Staff carefully scaffold their play modelling appropriate language and imparting new skills and knowledge. The children spend most of the day engaged in self chosen activities and we totally embrace the school ethos of ‘Nature, Nurture, Knowledge’ by using the whole environment all of the time and responding to each child as an individual who requires their own curriculum and has their own individual needs.

Children are welcome to come to Nursery either wearing the school uniform or their own clothing however it is important that they are dressed appropriately for the season as we access outdoors all year round (as well as going to Forest Schools sessions). They will also need suitable wet weather clothing in school especially wellies. Changes of clothing are also vital! We encourage exploration and know that children do get messy sometimes. Having their own clothing to change in to helps ease any transitions that your child may need to make.

Finally, it is important that parents work as partners as much as possible whilst your child is in Nursery. We love seeing what you do at home with your child on Tapestry and we wouldn’t be able to run our Forest School Sessions without your help.