Broomhill Infant School

Broomhill Infant
and Nursery School

Year 2 - Sycamore






Welcome to Sycamore class where we are we keen and enthusiastic to learn. We are curious and ask lots of questions about the world we live in. We are respectful and kind to everyone and we care about the environment. We challenge ourselves and each other to try our best.

In Sycamore Class, your teachers are Mrs Nicholls, Mrs Coggins and Miss Stacey. Mrs Nicholls enjoys swimming, reading and going to the beach. Mrs Coggins loves horses and spending time with her family. Miss Stacey likes animals, she has a new puppy and five guinea pigs.

P.E. days are on Tuesday and Wednesday. Your child will need to come to school wearing their P.E. kit on these days. We follow the Real P.E. scheme to provide the children with fun, high-quality teaching.

As a school, we follow Bug Club to teach Phonics. The children have access to Bug Club at home where they can consolidate their learning through exciting books, games and lessons linked to our weekly phoneme/grapheme and your child’s reading level. There is no set day for book change. The children are welcome to change their book once they’ve finished the whole book and have answered comprehension questions linked to their book with an adult.

All children have access to Doodle Maths (Maths) and Purple Mash (ICT) at home to consolidate their learning and develop their interests further.