Reception - Cherry
Miss Frances and Ms Courtney welcome you to Cherry Class! ‘In the moment’ learning is an approach which can be found across Broomhill Infants, and it is no different in Cherry class. We prioritise the children’s interests and use them to direct our learning topics. One week it might be pizza week, the next it might be fairy-tales and dragons!
Our class ethos is simple; we pride ourselves in being respectful, team players and brave. We are respectful of each other, of our differences and of our environment. We work together as a team to take care of each other and to bring diverse strengths to group learning. We are brave because we not worried about getting things wrong or falling down at the first hurdle. With lots of warmth and encouragement, we work together to try new experiences and to enjoy the ride.
Miss Courtney is a creative and innovative member of our team and she loves to share her passions for the arts with the children in Cherry class. She can often be found building a life size junk modelling dinosaur, or making unique clay pots and ornaments with the children. Miss Frances is a keen culture vulture and she loves to use a mix of technology and artefacts to share different cultures around the world. Google Earth is a weekly visited site in Cherry class! The children can also often be found cooking up storms of dishes from different cultures, using their maths and science skills to do so.
Some important information to know:
- Children should bring bottled water and their book bag daily.
- PE is on a Tuesday afternoon, children will need to wear their PE kit to school on this day.
- Reading and phonics books are changed on Thursdays/Fridays
- Children can access online learning using BugClub for reading and DoodleMath for mathematics, utilising personal logins provided by the class teacher.
- Please label everything that your child brings in (hats, bookbags, coats, jumpers, etc.).
A Typical Day in Reception at Broomhill Infant School doc
download_for_offlineA Typical Day in Reception at Broomhill Infant School doc