Broomhill Infant School

Broomhill Infant
and Nursery School

Reception - Apple







Welcome to Apple Class, where everyone is welcome, all ideas are valued, and we are an inclusive classroom community! Our teachers, Ms Ashley and Ms Alison, are both passionate about early years education. 

Ms Ashley loves teaching but especially loves storytelling, teaching mathematics,  and engaging with children in constructive play. She is an avid cook and loves to bring cooking opportunities into the classroom. 

Ms Alison loves working with children and particularly enjoys teaching music and developing children’s artistic skills. In her time off, she likes to spend time with her friends and family and is a nature enthusiast. She especially enjoys being at the seaside.  Ms Alison enjoys sharing her knowledge of the world with the children in Apple class.  

Our learning environment in Apple class includes an indoor classroom as well as a wider outdoor classroom, where children are enabled to have free-flow opportunities to explore throughout the day.  These include a range of opportunities across the seven areas of learning in the EYFS- communication and language, physical development, personal social and emotional development, literacy, maths, understanding the world, and expressive arts and design.  

In reception, our children are learning to play and playing to learn. Teachers follow children’s interests to support their development and learning targets.  Our aim goes beyond simply teaching the curriculum, we endeavour to create a lifelong love of learning! 

Children in reception are encouraged to develop independence through a secure and nurturing environment.   We encourage risk taking, which allows children to overcome physical challenges while building confidence, problem solving, and resilience.

In keeping with our ethos- “Nature, Nurture, Knowledge”, we are outdoors in all weathers.  We also acknowledge that learning can get messy! As such, we ask that all children please keep a labelled spare set of clothing at school at all times.

Some important information to know:

  • Children should bring bottled water and their book bag daily.
  • PE is on a Tuesday afternoon, children will need to wear their PE kit to school on this day.
  • Reading and phonics books are changed on Thursdays/Fridays
  • Children can access online learning using BugClub for reading and DoodleMath for mathematics, utilising personal logins provided by the class teacher.
  • Please label everything that your child brings in (hats, bookbags, coats, jumpers, etc.).


Thank you!