Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Sycamore

Term 2

December 15, 2023

We have had a brilliant Term 2! We have learnt about Guy Fawkes and we understand the importance of Remembrance Day. We have improved our addition and subtraction and we are now confident with larger numbers.  Our big cat knowledge has improved and we made information books to share with apple and cherry class. We […]

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Our first week in Sycamore Class!

September 9, 2023

What an amazing start to the new year we have had! All of the children have settled into their new class amazingly well and it is so lovely to see so many smiling faces. The children have already proved themselves to be fantastic role models as the new Year Twos and have started the year […]

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Term 5- animals, the equator and King Charles III Coronation

May 25, 2023

It has been another really busy term for Sycamore Class! We have spent a lot of time learning about animals and their habitats and finding out all about food chains. We then designed and made animals out of clay which were then painted. The children practised joining pieces of clay together before making their animals […]

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