Broomhill Infant School

Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm

July 15, 2023

This term children in Seedlings have been learning all about transportation and journeys. This week, we were able to take our own journey to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm! In advance we planned what we wanted to see as a class. On the day of our trip, we boarded a coach and on the way spotted lots of different transportation- lorries, excavators, diggers, motorbikes, trains, and tractors to name a few! When we reached our destination, we began our journey through Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, spotting many animals, including a lemur, camels, goats, a gaggle of geese, lions, elephants, zebras, giraffes, a bear, prairie dogs, a tortoise, and bison! We had a picnic lunch outside then headed off to soft play to finish our day. Back at school, we reviewed our trip, made a route on the map of our journey through the zoo farm, and drew pictures of our trip (some of us even wrote captions with teacher’s help!).

Thank you to our volunteers who offered their time to join us! And a big thank you to all of the Seedlings children who were great listeners and learners!