Clicking on the link above will take you to the website where you are able to order school uniform. Our School Password is: BRO202
Please see the instructions below on how to create your account
Children can wear Jade Green sweatshirt/jumper, white/jade green polo shirt and grey or black trousers/plain jogging bottoms. Girls can choose to wear black or grey trousers/skirt, jogging bottoms or a school summer dress.
Only stud earrings permitted in school. No hooped or dangly earring please.
- A small dap bag, clearly marked with your child’s name, containing a spare change of clothes as we are a very active outdoors infant school.
- A pair of slip-on daps (no slippers), again marked with your child’s name, for indoor wear.
- Slip-on outdoor shoes should be worn (no laces) as well as clothes (preferably not new) which make for easy visits to the toilet.
- Wellington boots and warm, rainproof outdoor clothing are needed during winter for outdoor learning.
P.E. Kits
Children will require shorts/jogging bottoms and t-shirt for PE, daps or trainers suitable for inside and outside. Any colour is permitted and jade green t-shirts are available on the link above.