Broomhill Infant School

Nursery – Seedlings

Term 6- Are We There Yet?

July 19, 2024

This term in Seedlings class we have been learning about transportation and journeys and learning about the world! We have enjoyed building aeroplanes, trains, and buses with our large loose parts. For our WOW day, we turned our classroom into an airport and then went on a pretend flight together, complete with snack service from […]

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Term 5- What lives in our garden?

May 24, 2024

We have had a beautiful time this term learning about minibeasts and what lives in our garden. As part of this unit, we have followed the life cycle of a butterfly with live caterpillars in the classroom which then became chrysalides and then butterflies! This culminated in releasing the butterflies! We have been reading Jasper’s […]

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Term 4 Spring Changes

March 28, 2024

This term, we have had a brilliant time in Seedlings class as we have learned all about spring. We have enjoyed exploring, looking for signs of spring changes, and learning about eggs. We have tasted eggs, compared raw eggs to cooked eggs, and experimented to see how much weight an eggshell can hold (the result […]

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