Broomhill Infant School

Our first week back at school!

March 12, 2021

Cherry Class have settled back into school really well – we are really proud of them! This week we have loved exploring our new vet role play area; acting with our friends, ‘treating’ patients and writing pet details. On Tuesday we were introduced to our new Talk for Writing story ‘The Gruffalo’ by following footprints into the forest and being greeted by The Gruffalo himself! We have loved engaging in Gruffalo role play and learning the Makaton signs for all the animals. For Science Week we have been curious cats and have been exploring Magnets; seeing which objects attract and which objects repel.  We have been looking at different minibeasts and optical exploration. We carried out an ‘Apple rotting investigation’ to see how we can preserve apples. We made Mother’s Day cards and enjoyed dressing up to celebrate World Book Day at the end of the week.