Broomhill Infant School

Our learning in Term 5

May 26, 2023

Our non-fiction book has been ‘From Tadpole to Frog’ and the children learned all about the lifecycle of a frog and wrote facts about tree frogs, goliath frogs and poison dart frogs in their writing books. We had a tank of tadpoles in the class and we were super impressed with how fantastic the children were in looking after them; the children helped to feed them and clean the tank regularly. The children were excited to check each day and note any developments. Over the course of four weeks they changed from tadpoles to froglets. They are now growing into frogs and we are hoping to release them after the half term.

The children learned about the King and the Coronation and each made a creative crown which they wore during the crown parade and during our class coronation party. As well as this, we made flags and drew portraits of the King. The children really enjoyed learning all about the King and asked lots of questions.

Towards the end of the term, the children had a very exciting WOW Day to introduce the Talk for Writing book. The day began with a giant beanstalk erupting out of the ground in our forest area! We then followed giant footprints into the forest area where we found golden eggs, gold coins and giant boots and discovered that the new Talk for Writing book was Jack and the Beanstalk. Later the children planted bean seeds in a jar, wrote a bean diary over 3 weeks, noting any changes, and drew illustrations.

Please watch the video to see some of the wonderful learning and fun the children have had over this term…