Broomhill Infant School

Being proud!

November 25, 2022

This week in Seedlings class, nursery children have continued exploring the book “Dear Zoo”, and the question “What makes me special?”. As part of this, we learned the word “proud”, as teachers shared their proud moments of children, as well as some of their parents’ shared proud moments too! Children then made proud clouds, thinking about what they were proud of themselves for. There has been so much to be proud of this week, from children expanding their balance and risk taking to the growing independence we have seen in children putting on jackets and shoes independently to brilliant tidying up. We are so proud of each and every one of our Seedlings children.

We have also continued exploring our book “Dear Zoo”, through memory match games, pair games, acting out the story, and pattern matching! Children made amazing artistic renderings of animal patterns. This week, we have really enjoyed being artists in our choosing time, as well as mathematicians, engineers, readers, and scientists. We have been exploring various sensory activities, such as moon sand, water, and even building a volcano in sand! We have continued our builder/copier game, building our spatial reasoning skills. We have worked on patterning through our ability to discriminate between same and different, finding the odd one out. Outside and inside, children have made intricate buildings using loose parts, including zoos, police stations, and houses. Some have had a go at being authors by writing menus and labels!

Next week our letter focus sound will be /d/. We will be thinking again about similar/different and expanding on our learning, and opening a cafe in our roleplay area outside! If you are interested in being a mystery reader, we have spots available. Thank you for your continued support!