Broomhill Infant School

Harvest and WOW Day!

October 3, 2023

In Seedlings class we have been having fun learning about Harvest. We looked at foods and talked about how they are grown, learning that even most foods from the grocery store start on the farm. We have also played a fun harvesting game, where we harvested apples from the tree. Children have explored farms through tuff trays this week, putting pigs in mud, and prompting questions such as, “What do pigs eat?”

We have also just introduced our story for the term- “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”. For our WOW day, we went on our very own bear hunt, donning our wellies and going into the forest, through the grass, through a river, through the mud, into the forest, through a snowstorm, and into a cave! In the classroom, children enjoyed being artists with story elements-painting with grass as a paintbrush, using mud instead of paint, and painting with blue watercolour for the river. In the afternoon we went into the gazebo to have snack and read our story!

Great job, Seedlings!