Broomhill Infant School

Term One

October 23, 2023

We have had a great first term in Seedlings class. This term we have been looking at the theme- Marvelous Me! We have discovered and shared about ourselves and learned about our community. The teachers are all proud of how the children in Seedlings have come together to create a classroom community! Our story for this term was “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”. Children loved going on a sensory bear hunt in our wellies, through the long grass, the thick oozy mud, the deep cold river, the big dark forest, the swirling whirling snowstorm, and into the narrow gloomy cave, where we found…a bear!!! For Tinkering, we even made our own dens for the bears! Some children made dens big enough for the bear and themselves to all fit in. Other highlights of this term were Hedgehog Day (World Animal Day) and our Harvest Fun Day, where we learned the song “Dingle Dangle Scarecrow” and explored Harvest through fun hands-on exploratory play.

Next term, we will be exploring our five senses and winter holidays and celebrations. Hope you enjoy the half term break and we will see you next term!