Broomhill Infant School

Our first ‘Tinkering Tuesday’!

September 25, 2021

This week we had our first ‘Tinkering’ day of the year. Our project was ‘dengineering’ and we had to create dens for the three bears, which included a trap for Goldilocks! We would be judged on the stability and security of our dens, our creativity and the quality of the traps built.

We started the day off by getting into teams, thinking of team names and creating a plan for our dens. We then chose the materials that we wanted and started to build our dens. Jack the nurture dog also visited us and had a good explore of our building work! We also had time to make improvements before the judging started and then did a whole class evaluation, thinking about what we had done well and what we could make even better next time.

The children all worked together beautifully and we had some fantastic creations in Holly Class. Well done to you all for another fantastic week!