Broomhill Infant School

Science Week

March 11, 2023

It’s been such a busy week for us in Holly Class. As well as the trip we have been celebrating Science Week. We started the week learning all about our fingerprints – something we had been talking about over the previous weeks whist exploring fossils. The children were amazed to find out two amazing facts. One being that not one fingerprint is the same and the other being that koalas fingerprints are similar to humans. On Tuesday it was a snow day!!! So we made the most of the weather looking at the way our shoe prints affected the snow, we even talked about why the juniors had more snow than us and added food colouring to snow to see what would happen. We also used our scientific skills to become engineers on Tinkering Tuesday. We challenged the children to design and create a trap for a dinosaur which they took really seriously using pulleys and cranes to create complex working traps. It is lovely to see how their ideas are developing as the year progresses. Well done Holly Class!