Broomhill Infant School

Term 2 in Cherry Class

December 15, 2023

What a busy term we have had in Cherry class! We looked at the topics ‘how the seasonal changes affect our natural world’, ‘what can you tell me about Remembrance Day’ and ‘how do different people celebrate Christmas.’ We kicked off term 2 with a funky Halloween disco where some of the children wore some very spooky costumes and we played a handful of classic disco games! We then continued with colourful celebrations as we looked at the festival of Diwali, exploring what Diwali means to Hindus and Sikhs. To mark this festival, we made beautiful clay diva lamps and built rice rangolis.

To honour Remembrance Day, all the children made stain glass poppies using tissue paper and we discussed the importance of remembering the things that people do for us, being grateful and showing our gratitude.

For our WOW day, we took the children to Nightingale Valley where they watched an immersive performance of Three Billy Goats Gruff on a bridge (performed by their teachers!) We then had a fantastic time role-playing the story in small groups before having a little hot chocolate and biscuit picnic.

We had a productive Tinkering Tuesday morning where we designed and engineered bridges out of different materials such as Lego, Duplo and junk modelling. To link this challenge to our Talk For Writing book, we had to make sure that the bridge could withstand the goats from The Three Bill Goats Gruff. Cherry class designed some very efficient bridges!

We then kicked off the Christmas period with a beautiful nativity performance, which we learnt alongside Apple class. This was a lovely way for the two classes to work on a long project together. The Christmas activities then unfolded and along came Christmas jumper day, a very exciting Christmas pantomime, the Christmas meal and of course, the Christmas party which was a perfect way to end term 2.