Broomhill Infant School

Term 3 in Cherry Class

February 9, 2024

Another term down and lots of fantastic memories to show for it! Cherry class have been very busy this term, from exploring our class reader Jack Frost, to learning lots about birds and creating beautiful bird feeders on Tinkering Tuesday, to finishing the term with some fabulous festivities to mark the start of Lunar New Year.

The children arrived back at school during the coldest week so far this year, which was fitting as the first day back was our WOW day exploring the book Jack Frost. We took part in so many icy activities such as ice painting, recuing animals from frozen ice blocks, melting ice experiments and even smashing ice in ice trays. We also had a quick blizzard of ‘snow’ which was a real surprise as it didn’t seem to reach the rest of Bristol! The children then spent the next few weeks exploring the book, learning about the vocabulary in it such as the word ‘hibernating,’ and creating some cool artwork using wax and watercolours. I hope to see Jack Frost again soon!

Cherry class then learnt about some different British birds such as the pigeon, blackbird, robin, magpie and crow. We then applied our knowledge of these birds on Tinkering Tuesday as the children were tasked with making bird feeders for them. The children made some feeders using pine cones with margarine and seeds, using cardboard rolls and raisins, using wire and chopped fruit and lastly by using pipe cleaners and cheerios. It’s safe to say that they all got gobbled up!

We then finished the term by exploring all the different festivities that take place for Lunar New Year. The children absolutely loved learning about the Zodiac story, the different types of delicious food eaten and the dragon / lion dances which take place! They had an impressive cooking term, making their own stir fry and vegetable gyozas, which represent both long healthy lives and good luck. In our last week we performed our very own dragon dance with a life size dragon costume that we all made from junk modelling.

I can’t wait to see what Cherry class gets up to next term!