Broomhill Infant School

Our Wow Day, Tinkering Tuesday and Lunar New Year…

February 8, 2024

We began the term with a Wow Day to introduce our focus book of Jack Frost. The children had lots of fun in the snow, made snowflake biscuits, demonstrated great skill in cutting out paper snowflakes, they created wax resist pictures, painted with coloured ice, explored how to melt ice and created maps to show where Jack Frost visited.

In January we took part in the RSPB Great Garden Bird Watch. The children learnt about the different birds that visit our garden; magpies, crows, blackbirds, robins and pigeons. Our Tinkering Tuesday linked with this and the children created different types of bird feeders, which they then hung in the garden and in our forest area. The children greatly enjoyed bird watching and created tally charts of the birds they saw.

Whilst learning about Lunar New Year the children undertook many different activities which included making stir fry with noodles, making dumplings, creating dragon masks, writing their names in Chinese characters, making lanterns. The children also wrote a positive message about themselves, which they put inside a paper fortune cookie they had made. The children finished the term by performing a dragon dance using the magnificent dragon they had created!