Broomhill Infant School

London’s burning!!

March 28, 2024

We’ve had a fantastic term 4 in Fir Class. We’ve been super busy with our learning and have had lots of fun along the way! This term we’ve been marvellous mathematicians, amazing authors, hardworking historians, super scientists and aesthetic artists! We’ve learnt so much about the Great Fire of London. We made great use of all of our new, exciting knowledge by writing newspaper reports, diaries and poems.
Our shape and measuring knowledge have improved and we are becoming more confident telling the time – o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.
We have baked bread inspired by Thomas Farriner’s bakery, went river dipping in Nightingale Valley with Amy from B.A.R.T and made egg protectors on Tinkering Tuesday – which were all safely protected by the amazing scientists and engineers in Fir!
World Book Day was brilliant fun, we enjoyed designing and making potato book characters with our friends and adults and we sang beautifully for our adults on our Mother’s Day event.

Please watch our video below to see all of our amazing learning and experiences from Term 4.